Back with friends in Vancouver

Fiinally North America, finally Canada, finally Vancouver.
I immediately felt more relaxed, I didn’t need to struggle with the language anymore, not just to find food or an exit door.
I collected my lovely scissors that flew separately from me, you know, I could be a terrible killer with my scissors!
From the airport I moved close to my hostel by train, I missed my stop the first time because I asked confirm about the station to a girl that was very busy talking with her friend… here we go another lesson of life: never trust a busy talking girl!
Anyway I found my way and out of the station I walked to my point using my GPS application.
Everything was easier, from the large pavements to so many English speaking people, I felt comfortable, I smiled and few people proposing me a help.
I arrived to my hostel easily, no problems with stairs but I had some problems orienting myself, it was a labyrinth.
I had a nap during the afternoon and I went to the bar at evening, where I met Mike and John, two cool guys and before to leave they invited me for a birthday party on the day after.
Drinking some beers I needed I toilet, searching it I found René, a very kind guy.
When he told me he was from Burundi I was so happy, I wanted to hug him, I miss Africa so much!
I told him about my African tour, he was impressed and he introduced me his other friends from Ethiopia.
We had more beer together, but after a while I went to search the toilet by myself… I don’t know how but I lost myself in the labyrinth, so when I finally found my room I went to sleep.
The day after I met Tommaso and Barbra, they came to me at the hostel.
My friend Luca from Engazza’, also known as ” Signo “, told me about Tommaso, so I wrote him… That’s all!
When I told them I needed to find another hostel, because nine was fully booked, they immediately proposed me to stay at their home, I though it was great!
I also went to John’s birthday party at Mike’s house, I really enjoyed talking with the guys, I had good time.
All the rest of my time in Vamcouver was with Tommaso and Barbra, lovely, lovely, lovely!
I felt as a long time friend with them, good feelings, visiting the city, taking pictures… And Tommaso’s Italian food, so good; Barbra was not stupid to find an Italian husband!
What else shout I say?
I found amazing people and I visited an interesting city, I though it was enough, so I moved to another place.
Its always nice to meet a piece of Italy and a piece of Africa around the world.


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